Hoo boy.. how do I even START this?
What is Heat Death of the Universe?
Heat Death of the Universe (or HDOTU, which I'll be using for brevity) is essentially a slice-of-life overly dramatic yet uncomfortably funny personal OC world that I project all of my traumatic experiences onto. Of course it's not based off of myself or any of my experiences 1:1, but they're still there.
HDOTU originated as an object show comic. If you don't know what object shows are, they're essentially either competitive shows adjacent to Total Drama Island or non-competitive with their own story lines featuring anthropomorphic objects. It was a much more lighthearted story back then. I wanted to create a message to prove that all internet spaces weren't inherently bad, and that there is a way to progress after trauma. There were a lot of topics of discussion, but the internet and trauma were both things I focused on (and still do focus on in this work and others) heavily. Despite the way I may portray the internet and its culture here, its not my authorial intent to sway you from the internet. I don't think that the internet/social media(s) is a completely horrible place. My relationship with posting on the internet, whether it be artwork or otherwise, is extremely complicated. I elaborate on this much more in my artchive (open in new tab for easier access).
TL:DR; HDOTU used to be the more positive outlook on the internet, and now it's more negative outlook. HDOTU shows the more unhealthy sides of the internet and also features predatory relationships and cycles of abuse. It's gonna get real dark.
Moral grayness
Everyone in this story is awful in their own ways!!!!
MAJOR trigger warning for a lot of the stuff mentioned within this story. Some of it is explicit, so please be careful when viewing the content: (child) abuse (like.. every single possible type, but majorly grooming, sexual, and physical), slur usage, mental health (mental illness, suicide, self harm, substance abuse), incest (found-familial, discussions of such), weapons (guns, knives), drugs and drugging (weed), toxic/co-dependent relationships, suggestive content (force-feminization in a non-sexual manner), more TBA.